Thursday, August 6, 2009

Importance of Change

How often will someone share a list of all the things they want to have and accomplish, that they don't already have, yet live that day the same way they lived the previous one?

If you live on one island and the food supply is on the next island and your dream is to have an endless supply of food at your fingertips, what would you do? If your current strategy is to swim across the river every day at meal times (go to your job) you will need to keep swimming back and forth every day to eat if you don't impose change. But if you take the time to look towards the future (dream) and plan (believe you can have more), take the effort needed to learn how to build a boat (step out of your comfort zone), draw a blueprint (the vision), build it (action), you can sale over the river (achieve it), fill the boat with food and return with plenty to last (bought time), and even start a garden and plant some trees (build a strong foundation) for an endless supply of food (residual income). It will save you both time and energy by changing your actions, and you will get the outcome you desire. What if your shop teacher said you just don't have a builder's thumb? Don't let that stop you...break away from your labels, don't believe you're not capable of building a boat that won't sink, believe that you have the ability and take that step in the right direction to prove it, if the first boat sinks, build another, hold on to hope, persevere with ongoing energy, only then will you succeed.

A comfort zone is a failure zone. Life begins at the end of your comfort zone. If you want things to change then You need to change, no matter how much that scares you. Most people want to have more than they have...but in order for that to happen, you need to do more than you are currently doing. And you cannot do more than you already are until you change who you are. If you work on improving your job you can make a lot of money, but if you work on improving yourself you can make a fortune.

Our labels are fables that keep us in stables. Break free of your labels. Labels given to you by society, family, peers, classes, organizations, schools, disabilities...Don't let your difficulties define your life, let your destiny define your life. Helen Keller was not just a deaf, mute and blind woman, she was an Inspirational, phenomenal, strong writer. She did not let her disabilities define her, she let her capabilities make her shine, making what most people would think impossible possible. She quickly became one of my favorite inspirational writers before I ever learned of her disabilities. I was blown away the day I read her life story. Don't let anyone tell you it's not possible to get what you want. More importantly, don't tell yourself it's impossible to get what you want. We all have walls up, circumstances and challenges in our lives. What is needed is the ability to break through those challenges and see past them. We need to learn how to look through that wall of circumstances onto the other side to see the things we want, and only then can we break through the wall to reach everything we desire.

To accomplish success we first need a clear vision, and then hope to hold on to it...don't wait for someone else to prove to you that it's possible. Be a leader in your own life not a follower. Firstly, you can't always believe your eyes, you're eyes can lie. You're eyes are only one way of seeing things, don't let it fool you into believing it's the only way. Take the life of Helen Keller for example, she once said, "The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision." How true that statement is. Most people think seeing is believing. People who are destined to fail say they will believe it when they see it, people who are destined to succeed say they will believe it until they see it. Do you believe you can be successful?

Everything in life you begin to do should begin with the statement "I can...and will...succeed". And as Henry Ford said "there are only 2 kinds of people, those who say they can and those who say they can't...and their both right". So, choose which one you are and that is what you will accomplish. Success begins with a person's will; it's all a state of mind.

One of the biggest problems people face that hold them back from success is being myopic. Rich people think long term, middle class people think midterm, and poor people think short term. Poor people think day to day, medium people think month to month, rich people think decade to decade. This is why it's so important to take the time to think about your future and plan for it, because you're going to spend the rest of your life there.

Why did I choose to take control of my future and become an Entrepreneur? Because I want to be wealthy and Rake In Cash Happily...I don't want to be stuck in a time-drainer Just Over Broke.

Don't let the desire of being rich and wealthy be mixed up with just the desire to be rich. It is much more beneficial to have the desire to be wealthy than it is to be rich. Being rich entails having a lot of money and possessions. Being wealthy includes financial freedom, time freedom, good health and happiness.

This is why it's so important to take care of yourself physically and emotionally. If you ignore your health it will go away...and take your money with it. Unable to afford health care costs is one of the biggest burdens people face today. It doesn't only rob you of time and energy; it drains your wallet too. So always factor in preserving good health on your journey to becoming wealthy. This is partly the reason why I chose health care product businesses to build as my long term income generators. I've established my goals, I have my vision of success, and I'm now taking the steps in the right direction...have you?

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