Thursday, August 6, 2009

Importance of a Dream

Before you can get what you want, you need to know what it is you want...It all starts with a dream. I love the concept of a think up anything imaginable and see it so clearly in your mind's eye, almost feel it as though it's real, right there and then. I'm speaking of all definitions of a had while asleep, or a daydream, or hope you hold on to that you feel so passionate about that you can feel it, or even act upon it subconsciously. Recognizing your dreams will not only help you become the person you want to be and do the things you want to do, but it will help you realize the person you already are and allow you to appreciate what you already have.

Since as long as I can remember I have always been able to remember my dreams I have had while be honest they are more entertaining than any movie I could ever watch, not to mention very insightful...those who personally know me, know me for my wacky dream adventures. I've grown to notice that my mind is very impressionable, as my dreams are not only influenced by wishes and desires in life, but also from moments in my day, my moods, fears and and anything else I have come in contact with, or something as deep as a suppressed memory that finds its way in a chapter in a dream, not to mention manifestations of an overactive imagination. It's very interesting to me how powerful the mind actually is.

I have always been a visual it in thought or on paper (graphically or in words). And it's not only helped me realize what it is I truly want for myself, but it's helped me figure out how to obtain it.

Last November I had a dream...more of a revelation. I pictured my life the way I wanted it to play out. Every little detail, with dates and locations all planned out. I was determined to make that dream a reality. I decided to dedicate the entire year of 2008 to become financially secure, allowing my dreams to be possible. So, I had the dream...the next step to my dream was to make it a reality by setting goals. Ever move I made form then on was a step forward in reaching those goals. I started off by joining endless online businesses and programs promising wealth and success.

It's been quite a trip to say the least! Along my journey I've had ups and down, highs and lows, personal hurdles, stressful events, lost time with loved ones, health highs and lows, bouts of insomnia, exhaustion leading to 12hr sleeps, moments I've been so busy I forget to eat or stressful times where I just don't have an appetite to eat. I've experienced empty bank accounts and debt for the first time in my life! I've even experienced a death at my job, causing additional stress and sadness to my daily routine. I've had to deal with rejection, rude people, pushy people, ungrateful people and even a few who have tried to take advantage of my generosity. By all means my bubble had been burst! I learned it takes more than being a nice person to receive respect back...I learned real fast that not everyone out there has a noble's a harsh world out there, not everyone feels they need a reason to be harsh. So I did grow a thick skin, and even learn to say no (50 online programs later....).

Nevertheless I have met some wonderful people, helpful people, amazing mentors and coaches, and learned a lot over this short period of time from experiences...not only about the world of Internet marketing but of my own strengths, abilities and myself in general. Thankfully it has not changed who I am in any negative manner. I have experienced numerous scams, and government interference with a business that started to generate a very high 5 figure income for me the very month their accounts were frozen, having reinvested every penny i earned back only 2 days before it halted it left me broke. My character, strength and patience were all heavily tested that month...and all the while I never, not once ever lost sight of my dream.
If there's anything I'm certain of about myself, it's that I'm not a quitter.

I am now in a place of peace and hope...unobstructed by any interference. Fulfilling a goal to pay it forward...and enjoying every moment of it. I have not hurdled over my financial woes, but I have reached a place where I can already taste my dream. And along the timely staircase to the top, I want to bring as many people with me as I can. After all, to fulfill your own dreams is one kinda of wonderful, but to know you're a stepping stone to helping someone else fulfill their dreams is a whole other kinda of wonderful ^_^

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